GDPR significantly broadens the scope of data privacy requirements: are you in, or out?

The European Data Privacy Directive (Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament), is still the data privacy law in effect today in the European Union. This year, its replacement, the General Data Protection Regulation was adopted and will come into effect in 2018. GDPR will significantly broaden the scope of the data privacy requirements both regarding […]

Tesco Bank: Money stolen from customers’ accounts – thousands affected

Last weekend brought unpleasant surprises for the customers of Tesco Bank, the banking system of a major retailer in the UK. Following a stream of suspicious online transactions, some resulting in fraudulent withdrawals, the bank decided to cease online operations on Sunday. Why is this important for all of us? Because it was the first […]

FBI Urges Ransomware Victims to Report the Attacks

Healthcare organizations in the US fall under the scope of the “Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act” which enforces the requirement of reporting data breaches to the authorities, as well as take certain measures when such incidents occur. Each incident that has the potential to affect more than 500 persons must […]