Ranstop blocks ScammerLocker ransomware

Test subject ScammerLocker (Jodis) ransomware Based on the well known and publicly available HiddenTear ransomware code, ScammerLocker is relatively simple but highly efficient ransomware. HiddenTear is continuously improved, and because it is opensource, we should expect new variants to appear. Other variants of HiddenTear include Oxar, May, Krypton, MoWare, Franzi or Ultimo.  Distribution channels differ […]

Ranstop blocks Princess Locker v2 ransomware

Test subject – Princess Locker v2 ransomware Princess Locker represents a relatively known type of ransomware which seems to have evolved from the same family as Alma Locker. It was first discovered in 2016 and a second version was released relatively recently, and it is very active at present. Princess Locker ransomware test facts The […]

Ranstop blocks GrandCrab ransomware

Test subject – GrandCrab ransomware GandCrab (v1) is distinctive ransomware which was released at the end of January this year and infected around 50k PCs around the world. It is the first one to use the Dash cryptocurrency as payment, while Bitcoin being the first choice of most ransomware currently active. Dash is more privacy […]

Ranstop blocks Annabelle ransomware

Test subject – Annabelle ransomware As its name suggests, Annabelle is one of the most “horrific” ransomware of the last few months, probably inspired by the horror movie franchise with the same title. Its purpose is unlikely to produce revenues, but rather to create panic among its victims and to irreversibly damage data. Annabelle ransomware […]