Well-known shipping company attacked by ransomware

The series of ransomware attacks that has showed up lately continues. This time, a well-known shipping company, Pitney Bowes, serving more than 1 million customers throughout the world, and some of the Fortune 500 companies, was hit by a ransomware variant that prevented clients from accessing services. Find out more in this article: https://threatpost.com/pitney-bowes-hit-with-ransomware-attack/149156/.

Ransomware is back!

After the tumultuous year of 2017, which was marked by devastating ransomware attacks, a calmer period followed, as hackers turned their attention into crypto mining. At the end of 2017, the value of Bitcoin was near 20000 USD, and the price of most of the other popular coins peaked as well. This situation created a […]

Ranstop blocks OnyxLocker ransomware

Ransomware test subject – OnyxLocker Lately, we’ve been writing about ransomware, which exploited weak systems and networks, so this time, we’re focusing on malware, which exploits the user and its awareness. Today’s ransomware is called OnyxLocker, and it targets Russian speakers. It is actively distributed using malware campaigns, emails containing malicious attachments, accompanied by text […]

Ranstop blocks TFlower ransomware

Ransomware test subject – TFlower TFlower ransomware is targeting businesses as we speak. Hackers are infiltrating poorly secured infrastructures or services and manually execute the malware. We’ve seen this kind of attack increase lately, and there are legitimate reasons to worry. Just today, a Danish hearing aid manufacturer announced that they might end up losing […]