Ranstop blocks Delphimorix ransomware

Test subject – Delphimorix ransomware Delphimorix is a new ransomware, emerged at the end of the last month. Since then, in just a couple of weeks, the authors released a few new variants, changing the ransom note but little in the code itself. At first, they demanded 101 Bitcoins to recover the files, but with […]

Ranstop blocks Minotaur ransomware

Test subject – Minotaur ransomware A classic ransomware, Minotaur made its appearance just last week, currently being distributed using email campaigns and several fake or modified office files. It’s a simple ransomware and not particularly effective, missing a few files and folders in our test. Nevertheless, it can do quite a damage, destroying the files […]

Ranstop blocks ONI ransomware

Test subject – ONI ransomware In October last year, many Japanese companies were under attack for as long as a few months, during which cybercriminals were exfiltrating, encrypting data and destroying mission-critical devices. One of the ransomware used in these attacks was ONI. Almost a year later, last month, a new ONI ransomware was released. […]

Ranstop blocks PyLocky ransomware

Test subject – PyLocky ransomware PyLocky is a new ransomware which made its way to the digital world at the end of July, mostly via email campaigns. The core part is written in Python and it is packaged with PyInstaller. Besides the common ransomware-related features, it also exhibits a more complex behavior which prevents or […]

Ranstop stops KeyPass ransomware

Test subject – KeyPass ransomware Emerged last month, KeyPass is one of the first ransomware who managed to get noticed not just because of a significant distribution campaign, but also because of its new features. It was spotted in more than 20 countries around the world and has attacked a few hundred so far. However, […]

The ransomware market & attacks in the first half of 2018

According to most statistics, ransomware attacks decreased almost 30% over the past 12 months. Apparently, good news, but there’s a catch, as the “market” has more room for even more sophisticated ransomware variants. It is exactly what happened, the number of attacks dropped, but the level of complexity among the new variants increased. Many factors […]

Ranstop blocks PrincessLocker Evolution ransomware

Test subject – PrincessLocker Evolution ransomware PrincessLocker first emerged in 2016, and since then, several versions and variants were released. We covered one of these in this article. This one is called “Evolution” and it was quickly advertised as a RaaS (ransomware as a service) by the malware developers. This means that anybody willing to […]

Ranstop stops LockyLocker ransomware

Test subject – LockyLocker ransomware LockyLocker (also known as PyLocker) is a new ransomware which made its way to the digital world at the end of July, mostly via email campaigns. It was also discovered bundled alongside legitimate software, made with InnoSetup, so this should serve as a heads-up. It’s worth mentioning that this particular […]

Ranstop blocks DBGer ransomware

Test subject – DBGer ransomware A new Satan variant was recently released, having quite a few updates. It’s called DBGer, named after the extension it adds to the encrypted files. Satan has been around for quite some time, and it is very popular among cybercriminals, mostly because of their Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) portal, which makes it […]

Ranstop blocks Scarab ransomware

Test subject – Scarab ransomware Scarab ransomware family has been very active in the past few weeks. More than five variants were discovered just last week, dominating the ransomware market, and it looks like its developers continue to release new versions. Today’s video will cover the “bomber” variant, named after the extension it appends to […]