Auditing complex file operations for compliance

Answering today’s compliance challenges through advanced file monitoring technology

Data protection regulations and security standards are of paramount importance because losing security-sensitive data in an electronic environment is as dangerous, or even more dangerous, than losing an ID card or a credit card on a sidewalk. When data breaches occur, there are usually multiple records being lost, putting a large number of persons at risk. Personally identifiable information, healthcare records, financial records, credit card information, and other types of security-sensitive information can be used by cybercriminals to commit felonies from behind their desktops, causing damage to many victims, with relatively lower risk and significantly higher benefits than your average street felon.

Companies who manipulate such data in IT environments must be responsible for protecting it, and regulatory compliance enforces minimum controls designed to protect the data, identify data breaches, and deliver accountability for the related security incidents.

Upon closer examination of the most important data protection regulations and standards, we are able to observe a common pattern around most requirements, especially those regarding how access to data should be performed and audited. Data, stored in files or databases, is at the core of all these acts, and its protection is their ultimate goal. At the same time, access to this data is strictly regulated and auditing requirements are there to make sure that the requirements are met…

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